Friday, July 11, 2014

By the Sea!!

Brighton! That glittering holiday destination on the shores the English Channel, only an hour away by train from London. And a train is indeed what we took. However, the scene upon our arrival was a little, well, bleak.

A tad wet, and a bit cold. But, no matter! Most of you probably know my views on rain, and know that I enjoy it just as much as the sun and the snow! It really brings out the vibrant colors found everywhere in this country, and it being near a beach reminded me very much of Maine. We started off our visit inside, though, in the Royal Pavilion, an opulent seaside retreat built by George, the Prince Regent, 1787. No photos, cameras weren't allowed, but it was gorgeously and extravagantly decorated. The outside was built in and Indian-style, while the inside is decorated in Oriental fashion. We saw the rooms Queen Victoria stayed in when she was in power, and the actual bed that George died in. Pretty impressive. My favorite room was easily the kitchen. Huge, and they had a poster with the menu of one of the banquets in George's time. Over 100 courses. Sign me up!

Then we headed straight to the beach, which was very conveniently made of rocks, instead of sand, which made walking a lot easier. Sand in the shoes isn't ideal. Also, it provided the perfect opportunity for free souvenirs. When I return to the States, there will be a rock from the Brighton beach in my suitcase.

And, of course, we had to have fish and chips. I had planned on taking a picture of the plate when I got it, but I was so hungry that it completely slipped my mind (typical). (And technically it's a fish sandwich and chips, but I figured  it was close enough).

Then, we headed to the Brighton Pier, which is basically a carnival-type thing. Rides, arcade, and food, of course.

I think that this has been my favorite place so far. Yes, it was very touristy in many ways, but it was also absolutely beautiful. The Royal Pavilion was breathtakingly beautiful and it was amazing to see an ocean again! The weather made the air particularly fresh and energizing. I easily could have spent a longer time there; it was great.

But, the weekend adventures are only just beginning! Tomorrow we're headed to Dover, to see the Castle, and to Canterbury! Until then, cheers! I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I feel a strong need to watch Pride and Prejudice after reading this. I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself.
