Thursday, July 24, 2014

Soaking up the City

Well, one more day to go. But I'm not going to talk about that right now. Today was great! I woke up early and finished formatting and proofreading my paper, and then I submitted it. So I am completely finished with my class. Then, I went on a solo tour of London this morning, mostly in search of book benches. But, as I was only a few steps from this place, I couldn't resist.

I wanted to get food there, but I had just eaten breakfast. And I figured I would be returning with the rest of my Sherlockian friends. Which is what we will be doing tomorrow for lunch. Anyway, book benches. I had a lovely time wandering around London. I had originally planned on finding quite a few, but then I ended up just settling for two. The Importance of Being Earnest:

And, Sherlock Holmes:

I also found the Pride and Prejudice one, but someone was sitting on it. Rude. But I saw it, so that's all that counts.
Then I went and walked around down by the Thames:

And I still had time before my class, so I went to Caffe Nero and got this:

Every time I walk past this place, there's a sign outside advertising the Coconut Chocolate Frappe Creme, and it's always so tantalizing. So today, I got one. Heaven on earth. Probably a good thing that I only just tried it for the first time today, because otherwise I would have been spending money on them this whole time!

We had our final class, which was weird, it all went by really fast. Anyway, so, after class, we attended a film premier. My first film premier. It was for Guardians of the Galaxy:

There were quite a few famous people, it was pretty awesome!! Most importantly, we saw Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt (Emmet from The Lego Movie), both who are actually in the movie. And, since it's a Marvel film, they had one of the Avengers there. Thor. Chris Hemsworth. It was pretty amazing. I didn't get a good picture, but my friend Katie got one that's not too bad:

Mark Hamill was also there, probably because of it's being a space/sci-fi movie. And a bunch of other movie stars. But those were really the notable ones.

And that was that. I came back and spent some time in the garden, and here I am writing this now. It's been quite the eventful day, quite a nice day. Only a couple more posts on here. Night night!!!

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